
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Technology for the bike ride Part 2 - the camera

I will only bike across America once in my life...
...and I want pictures!

Techy brother Ed says to just use my phone to take pics.

But I want enough zoom so I can capture Mom and Dad swallows conferring on nest-building

And I love taking macro pictures so I can show the pattern on a single petal of bloodroot.

I want depth of field so I can focus attention on a leaf in the foreground...

...or lengthen the focus to show the long road ahead.

I may need a fast shutter speed to stop action.

For those qualities you may need an SLR with interchangeable lenses, but I can't carry a huge camera on my bike!

And there's one more feature to consider...I need one tough camera.
We will be out in the rain and the wind and whatever temperature you can imagine.

 I can't do flimsy.

I found my camera...
A Cannon G11.

When I talked to the clerk at Roberts - we compared this feature and that - it's so complicated!

But the bottom line is - what camera takes the best pictures and can fit in my bike bag and survive 3,630 miles with me?

I haven't tested it yet in wind, rain, heat and cold.

But yesterday I took it out to The Land and took those pictures.

And I'd say this is the camera for me.


Anonymous said...

I use a Sony 828 (all in one) it has a Carl Zeis 28-200 zoom lens that is not interchangable. This camera is 8mp. It is very rugged with a great battery. I use mine for home inspections (rough service)They do not sell it in stores anymore but they are still available on ebay. The drawback of the camera you are "focused" on is that it has a zoom motor that eats up battery life.

Unknown said...

Wow! That sounds like a great camera to consider.
I will be plugging in my rechargeable battery in the hotel rooms every night. Hopefully that will carry me through.

Another advantage of the G11 for me personally - I've had a Cannon G9 for years so I'm familiar with it.

I have too much to do right now to learn a new camera and I do tend towards the technophobic.

KC SW said...

beautiful pics you've got to love dad's (the big camera) camera the best tho i mean it takes epic pictures =D actually you have about sold me on the G11 is the one i'm gonna want for xmas/bday so I can take great pics in Egypt!