
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Looking for Hills

Indiana is flat.

Pancake flat.

I noticed when we took our kids on vacation to Michigan.

"Look, Mom! That funny road goes up!"

I realized then that their childhoods had been deprived of hills.

And hills take different biking muscles than long flat distances (my forte).

I know because I have biked the Hilly Hundred in southern Indiana (yes, they have hills.

The glaciers stopped their flat-ironing mid-Indiana).

When I bike hills it works my thighs more.
Flats do the calves.

I'll need both thighs and calves to bike across all of America.

Luckily, I live in the valley of the Big Blue River of Henry County which actually does have hills.

There is the notorious Turtle Crossing where twice in one week I had to stop to rescue a turtle who was trying to cross the bridge.

(which is better than the time the kids remember when I stopped on State Road 3 - a 6 lane highway - to rescue the ugliest snapping turtle from being smushed.....and he peed on me!)

We have the town of Mount Summit - an awe inspiring name to a town that challenges a pancake to flatness.

We do have some great hills on Greensboro Pike near Westwood Park - some of them are almost half a mile long!

Will I be ready for the Rockies?


Unknown said...

come visit in the bay area! we have the opposite problem!

Anonymous said...

some of the climbs in the 80 ride were 5 miles long. and they didn't even call those mountains!

KC SW said...

I remember seeing mountains for the first time now i live in them =D and i totally remember you saving that dang turtle! lol it reminds me of when Sarah Cole and I managed to drag a giant snapping turtle off of a country road (we did it but having him attack SCole's shoes and when he bit down we drag him a little further lol!)

Edwin Steussy said...

Pretty hilly here too, though I think the Bay Area is worse/better. I hope you are going to blog the Chris family visit to Indiana - I'd like to know what happens.

Jay S. Hardcastle said...

You need to hit the NW corner of the Michigan's lower peninsula, for some real Michigan hill riding. DALMAC or Michigan Mountain Mayhem.

Unknown said...

Too many hills, not enough hills. It's never just right.

nsteussy said...

In and out of the Wabash valley is a good workout.