
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Astoria -

The far west corner of our country....

...the end of my training...

..and the beginning
of an amazing
bike ride.

Dan's red pickup carried us Portland to Astoria...

As we hit the Hotel Astoria you could hear the question....

Do we really want to do this?

Chilly skies, hungry, scared...

But brave souls that we are we put on the bike gear...

(...the gear always helps...)

And biked to lunch..

The Wet Dog cafe...

We eat overlooking
the great
Columbia River...


..sitting next to bikers of the motored persuasion.

And despite the dire warnings of the risks...

...we take off
for the Pacific Ocean.

As soon as the clips are in the pedals, life felt good again.

This is the bike.

We have biked so many miles together.

And a mile in Astoria measures the same as a mile in Indiana.

Balanced on this thin frame of steel I feel at home.

Over the bridge bravely...

A little bit lost....

We finally find
the Western edge

A moment of reflection... much preparation...

so much waiting....

... for this very moment...

The moment the great journey begins is here.

I need a moment to remember the greatest influence on my life....

The man who cheered me on from the earliest training wheels through med school...



....and now.....

Thank you, Dad, for always being there.

I dedicate this ride to you.

Happy Father's Day. 

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