In case you missed it, Part I was called The Real Beginning.
So in Part II Tom and I, now parents of 4 children under the age of 6, have just bought 12 acres of land out in the country.
Immediately we were smitten with desire for the next 8 acres!
You see, our 12 acres was shaped like an L. Nestled in its arms was 8 acres with a woods. And I wanted it.
Problem belonged to Janet.
Now I never met Janet but I suspected she was crazy. I heard for example...
1. She wanted to deed this land to her dog.
2. She was a member of the Millionaire's Club.
3. She was filing for bankruptcy.
4. She had entered the FBI protection plan.
I have no idea how much of this was true, but I knew her land was beautiful and would round out our acreage into a nice 20 acre rectangle.
Maybe being distracted with the new baby and all, I don't remember how it all occurred, but somehow before the end of the next year - despite the dog and the FBI - we had purchased this additional 8 acres.
Now what were we going to do with it?
which 8 acres was this...we owned the house and barn land first right? oh and gorgeous pic out the barn of the riding rink! but it doesn't have Spike in it! lol
The 2nd 8 acres are from the road to the woods where we pick garlic mustard. With the shed. That was Janet's shed.
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